
The Profile component is an end-user scoped component which allows them to view and manage their account.


The Credit Monitoring component requires a JWT with the api:profile:read scope, of the current user.


cidGuidThe external_id property of the consumer viewing their profile. This id value maps to an ID or identifier that your platform stores for this user.
access_tokenJWT Bearer TokenA token with the scope api:profile:read. You can use this parameter if the platform you are developing on does not allow you to inject the token directly into the web component or web frame.
Component URLURL


The following is an example of how to load the Profile UI Component in a react native application.

1export default function ProfileScreen({ route }: Props) {
2 const url = "";
3 return (
4 <SafeAreaView>
5 <View>
6 <JwtAuthWebview url={url} />
7 </View>
8 </SafeAreaView>
9 );
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