
The Onboarding component is a psuedo-anonymous component which allows an end-user to perform end-to-end onboarding to the Upwardli Platform


The Onboarding component requires a JWT with the ui:client-onboarding scope.


pcidGuid or SimilarA customer-specified unique ID. This id value maps to an ID or identifier that your platform stores for this user.
access_tokenJWT Bearer TokenA token with the scope ui:client-onboarding. You can use this parameter if the platform you are developing on does not allow you to inject the token directly into the web component or web frame.
redirect_urlURLThe url to redirect the web component to once the customer has completed their onboarding.
Component URLURLhttps://component-embedded-sandbox.upwardli.com/onboarding/?pcid={$partner_consumer_id}


The following is an example of how to load the onboarding UI Component in a react native application.

1export default function OnboardingScreen({ route }: Props) {
2 const url = "https://component-embedded-sandbox.upwardli.com/onboarding/?pcid={$partner_consumer_id}";
3 return (
4 <SafeAreaView>
5 <View>
6 <JwtAuthWebview url={url} />
7 </View>
8 </SafeAreaView>
9 );