
The Onboarding component is a psuedo-anonymous component which allows an end-user to perform end-to-end onboarding to the Upwardli Platform


The Onboarding component requires a JWT with the ui:client-onboarding scope.


pcidGuid or SimilarA consumer-specified unique ID. This id value maps to an ID or identifier that your platform stores for this user.
access_tokenJWT Bearer TokenA token with the scope ui:client-onboarding. You can use this parameter if the platform you are developing on does not allow you to inject the token directly into the web component or web frame.
redirect_urlURLThe url to redirect the web component to once the consumer has completed their onboarding.
Component URLURLhttps://component-embedded-sandbox.upwardli.com/onboarding/?pcid={$partner_consumer_id}


The following is an example of how to load the onboarding UI Component in a react native application.

1export default function OnboardingScreen({ route }: Props) {
2 const url = "https://component-embedded-sandbox.upwardli.com/onboarding/?pcid={$partner_consumer_id}&access_token={$access_token}";
3 return (
4 <SafeAreaView>
5 <View>
6 <JwtAuthWebview url={url} />
7 </View>
8 </SafeAreaView>
9 );

Onboarding Steps

Creating the consumer

Let Upwardli handle the creation

If you want Upwardli to handle the creation just pass the pcid in and we’ll handle the rest.

Partner creates consumer

Partner can create the a consumer via Create Consumer API.
Upwardli will perfill the onboarding UI component with the data provided.

Load Upwardli UI component

Use the above code example to load the onboarding UI component for your consumer.

After onboarding completion

If the partner has provied a redirect_url the consumer will be redirected to the link.
Upwardli will also send a onboarding-success message to parent iFrame.
Partner can implement a listener to take action from this event.

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