Introduction to the API

In this documentation, you will find a comprehensive guide on how to integrate Upwardli into your existing fintech solution. We provide an end-to-end API solution, as well as cross-platform embeddable components to speed up your implementation. It is our goal to provide comprehensive documentation that is both easy to use and example-based.

Please take a minute to read up on our different environments in order to understand the differences between sandbox and production.

Check out our getting started tutorial to learn about how to onboard a consumer and complete a standard payment cycle!


Upwardli provides secure and scalable platform that is easy to integrate into your fintech product. Through our API, you are able to access the full functionality of the upwardli system to begin converting your standard purchasing and payment processes into credit-building activity for your consumers.

You can get started by using the navigation to the left, or by using the following quickstart guides: